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Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Suikoden II

The sequel to the original Suikoden improves on its predecessor in a countless number of ways. It explores the concepts of love, betrayal, loyalty, and loss in what are considered by many to be the most beautiful 2D graphics on the Playstation. Play as Riou, who slowly becomes a leader, but at what cost?

Riou is the first name of the main character in novels released only in Japan. He is not given a first name in the game.

Platform: Sony Play Station
Medium: 1 disc
Memory File: 2 blocks on Memory Card
Data Transfer: Load data from Suikoden I
Release Data: Japan 1998-12-17
USA 1999-08-31
Europe 2000-07-28
This is a complete list of all of the Stars of Destiny (recruitable characters) in Suikoden 2. It details where they're found and how to get them.
A complete walkthrough of the game. Special thanks go to Aardwolf_Zy for allowing us to use his walkthrough.
The staff at Suikosource have created many guides to help you through Suikoden 2. Almost any information you might want to know about the game is listed here.
Tips, tricks, and hidden items abound in Suikoden 2. This is a list of the ones of which we are aware.
Suikoden 2 is filled with scenes that are memorable for their overall emotional impact. We've transcribed a few of the scenes we think are the most poignant.
Here is game saves taken using the InterAct DexDrive(no longer sold) of throughout the game of Suikoden 2, to put you to anywhere you want to be in the game, immediately.
These in-depth analyses examine the battle system of Suikoden 2, exploring how to make the most of your party and of your time spent playing the game. sumber :

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